Пользователь vladlok Карточки Наборы Набор: фразы Total: All Clear Invert Page: All Clear Invert Все ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ go did you have a good time go i'm going to learn something new go there is nothing in common go enjoy your stay go i'm over the moon go to be on holiday go feel stupid go in the blink of an eye go to have here or take away go full-time job go it depends on go to make phone calls go get more money go it's very exciting go to pass away the time go give a good advice go keep awake go walk on zebra crossing go how about you go make people redundant go work longer go how tall is mary go medium height go work very long hours go i am not against go my mood depends on the weather go you are welcome go i go shopping go solve problem go i try, but i have not obtained all go take money out of an atm 1 Выбрано карточек: 0 Добавить только новые Копировать с переводом пользователя Скачать .docx Печать Экспорт .xlsx