Пользователь rost098 Карточки Наборы Набор: устойчивые выражения Total: All Clear Invert Page: All Clear Invert Все ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ go tell a lie go to be in a hurry go to have a smoke go the central go to brush go to pass the time go the following go to comb hair go to put on go the last go to dictate go to shave go the next go to fall asleep go to speak on the phone go the only go to go to the country go to switch on go the other day go to go to the theatre go to take a bath go the previous go to have a cold go to take a seat go the same go to have a look go to tell the truth go the very go to have a mind 1 Выбрано карточек: 0 Добавить только новые Копировать с переводом пользователя Скачать .docx Печать Экспорт .xlsx