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Карточка: put down Создана : 30.09.2014
Изменена: 30.09.2014

Узнайте, как выучить это слово с помощью карточек

Печатный вариант при обрезании

put something or someone that you are holding or carrying onto a surface: * those heavy bags * for a minute. - to criticize someone and make them feel silly or stupid {= belittle}: i hate the way dave *s me * the whole time. stop *ing yourself *. - write something, especially a name or number, on a piece of paper or on a list {= write down}: * * your name and address. - stop a revolution etc by using force: the uprising was *3 * by the police and the army. - pay part of the total cost of something, so that you can pay the rest later: they *2 * a deposit on the goods until christmas. - put a baby in its bed: we try to * amy * at six every evening. - kill an animal without causing it pain, usually because it is old or sick {= put something to sleep}: we had to have the dog *3 *. - "i couldn't * it *": you found a book, game etc extremely interesting: once i'd started reading it i just couldn't * it *. - if an aircraft *s * or if a pilot *s it *, it lands, especially because of an emergency: the engine failed and the plane *2 * in the sea. - suggest a subject, plan, change in the law etc for a parliament or committee to consider. - guess what someone is like or what they do, without having much information about them: i didn't think he was unfriendly. i *2 him * as shy. - put someone's name on a list so that they can take part in an activity, join an organization etc: they *2 themselves * for a training course. - think that something is caused by something else: i was having difficulty reading, which i *2 * to the poor light. - "* it * to experience": try not to feel too upset about failure, especially when you learn something useful from it: everyone gets rejected from time to time; * it * to experience.

Печатный вариант при сжатии

put something or someone that you are holding or carrying onto a surface: * those heavy bags * for a minute. - to criticize someone and make them feel silly or stupid {= belittle}: i hate the way dave *s me * the whole time. stop *ing yourself *. - write something, especially a name or number, on a piece of paper or on a list {= write down}: * * your name and address. - stop a revolution etc by using force: the uprising was *3 * by the police and the army. - pay part of the total cost of something, so that you can pay the rest later: they *2 * a deposit on the goods until christmas. - put a baby in its bed: we try to * amy * at six every evening. - kill an animal without causing it pain, usually because it is old or sick {= put something to sleep}: we had to have the dog *3 *. - "i couldn't * it *": you found a book, game etc extremely interesting: once i'd started reading it i just couldn't * it *. - if an aircraft *s * or if a pilot *s it *, it lands, especially because of an emergency: the engine failed and the plane *2 * in the sea. - suggest a subject, plan, change in the law etc for a parliament or committee to consider. - guess what someone is like or what they do, without having much information about them: i didn't think he was unfriendly. i *2 him * as shy. - put someone's name on a list so that they can take part in an activity, join an organization etc: they *2 themselves * for a training course. - think that something is caused by something else: i was having difficulty reading, which i *2 * to the poor light. - "* it * to experience": try not to feel too upset about failure, especially when you learn something useful from it: everyone gets rejected from time to time; * it * to experience.


verb: set транскрипцияset down транскрипцияdown, lay транскрипцияlay down


Can you put me down at the next corner, please? - Высадите меня на следующем углу, пожалуйста.;
He made an unkind remark, intended to put her down. - Он сделал грубое замечание, чтобы унизить ее.;
he put down his burden - он опустил свою ношу;
how old should you put him down at? - сколько, по-вашему, ему лет?, сколько бы вы дали ему лет?;
I have put down over 100 eggs this winter. - В этот раз я запас более ста яиц на зиму.;
I put him down for a fool. - Я считаю его глупым.;
I put his bad temper down to his recent illness. - Я отнес его плохое настроение на счет его недавней болезни.;
I'll take three boxes; would you put them down (to my account)? - Я возьму три коробки; не запишете это на мой счет?;
Put down every word she says. - Записывай за ней каждое слово.;
Put down whatever you're doing and join the party! - Отложи свои дела и присоединяйся к компании!;
Put down your expenditure. - Снизьте расходы.;
Put me down for £ 5. - Запишите на мой счет 5 фунтов.;
put me down for £5 - подпишите меня на пять фунтов;
put me down for £5 - я вношу /жертвую/ пять фунтов;
Put me down for a donation! - Я тоже хочу сделать пожертвование! ;
put that gun down at once! - сейчас же опустите ружье!;
put the goods down to me /to my account/ - запишите товар на мой счет;
putting down helping after helping - уплетая порцию за порцией;
she was put down for the way she dressed - ее манеру одеваться не одобряли;
the book was so thrilling I couldn't put it down - книга захватывающе интересна, я просто не мог оторваться от нее;
The pilot was able to put the damaged plane down safely. - Пилот сумел мягко посадить поврежденный самолет.;
The troops put down the rebellion. - Войска подавили восстание.;
they mentioned his poetry only to put it down - они упомянули его стихи лишь для того, чтобы посмеяться /поиздеваться/ над ними;
to put down 10 % as a deposit - внести задаток в размере 10 % ;
to put down a buoy - сбрасывать буек;
to put down a revolt - подавить восстание;
to put down a smoke screen - ставить дымовую завесу;
to put down fire - подавить огонь;
to put down gossip - пресечь слухи;
to put down one's bags - поставить сумки;
to put down one's expenditure - урезать /сократить/ расходы;
to put down passengers - высаживать пассажиров;
to put down the helm - класть руля к ветру;
to put down the receiver - класть (телефонную) трубку;
to put down the use of tobacco - сократить потребление табака;
to put one's foot down - занять твердую позицию, твердо решиться;
to put one's foot down - решительно воспротивиться;
to put prices down - снизить цены;
Tom's latest book has been severely put down in the newspaper reports. - Последнюю книгу Тома просто разгромили в газетах.;
we put down at Orly - мы сели /совершили посадку/ в Орли;
You'd be surprised at the amount that boy can put down in a single day. - Ты удивишься, когда узнаешь, сколько этот мальчик может съесть за один день.;