Пользователь пелага Карточки Наборы Набор: have got (иметь) Модуль 5. 3 класс Total: All Clear Invert Page: All Clear Invert Все ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ go has he got? go it hesen't got. go yes, he has. go has it got? go it's got go yes, i have got. go has she got? go i've got go yes, it has got. go have i got? go she has got go yes, it has. go have they got? go she has not got. go yes, l have. go have we got? go she hesen't got. go yes, she has got. go have you got? go she's got go yes, she has. go he has got go they have got go yes, they have got. go he has not got. go they have not got. go yes, they have. go he hesen't got. go they heven't got. go yes, we have. go he's got go they've got go yes, you have. go i have got go we have got go you have got go i have not got. go we have not got. go you have not got go i haven't got. go we heven't got. go you heven't got. go it has got go we've got go you've got go it has not got. go yes, he has got. 1 Выбрано карточек: 0 Добавить только новые Копировать с переводом пользователя Скачать .docx Печать Экспорт .xlsx