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Карточки Наборы

Карточка: думать Создана : 06.06.2014
Изменена: 06.06.2014

Узнайте, как выучить это слово с помощью карточек

Печатный вариант при обрезании

think (about, of); consider, turn over in one's mind, reflect (on, upon), meditate (on), ponder (over)
think (about, of; turn over in one's mind, reflect (on, upon), meditate (on), ponder (over)

think, believe, suppose
; believe; suppose;
think of, intend (to), be going to, plan (to)
think of, intend (to), be going to, plan (to)

care (for); be concerned (about)
care (for); be concerned (about)

Печатный вариант при сжатии

think (about, of); consider, turn over in one's mind, reflect (on, upon), meditate (on), ponder (over)
think (about, of; turn over in one's mind, reflect (on, upon), meditate (on), ponder (over)

think, believe, suppose
; believe; suppose;
think of, intend (to), be going to, plan (to)
think of, intend (to), be going to, plan (to)

care (for); be concerned (about)
care (for); be concerned (about)


думать и гадать - to puzzle over it;
думу думать - to brood, to meditate;
и думать не смей - don't dare ;
как ты думаешь? - what do you think?;
много думать о себе - to be conceited; to think highly of oneself, to have a high opinion of oneself, to have an exalted opinion of oneself; to think no small beer of oneself ;
надо думать - it seems, most likely ;
надо думать - I should say so ;
не долго думая - without hesitation, without thinking twice, without a moment's thought;
не думать не гадать - never think or dream;
не думаю (едва ли) - I scarcely / hardly think so;
не думаю (едва ли) - I doubt it;
я думаю! (конечно) - I should think so!, of course!;