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Карточка: assess Создана : 25.04.2014
Изменена: 25.04.2014

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Печатный вариант при обрезании

[ə’ses]verb [ t ]
to judge or decide the amount, value, quality or importance of something
the insurers will need to assess the flood damage.
they assessed the cost of the flood damage at £1500.
examinations are not the only means of assessing a student's ability.
it's too early to assess the long-term consequences of the collapse of the soviet union.
[ + question word ] we need to assess whether the project is worth doing.

Печатный вариант при сжатии

[ə’ses]verb [ t ]
to judge or decide the amount, value, quality or importance of something
the insurers will need to assess the flood damage.
they assessed the cost of the flood damage at £1500.
examinations are not the only means of assessing a student's ability.
it's too early to assess the long-term consequences of the collapse of the soviet union.
[ + question word ] we need to assess whether the project is worth doing.


verb: appraise, evaluate, estimate, rate транскрипцияrate, value транскрипцияvalue, judge, measure, appreciate, tax


assessment - оценка, оценивание, определение стоимости, обложение, сумма обложения;
assess - оценивать, давать оценку, определять сумму налога, штрафа, ущерба;
assessments - отчисления;
assessor - эксперт(;
Also, the study did not assess the capabilities of other methods. - Кроме того, исследование не оценивало возможности других методов;
The offender was assessed twenty shillings. - Нарушитель был оштрафован на двадцать шиллингов;
The value of this property was assessed at one million dollars. - Эта собственность была оценена в миллион долларов